Matt's Kagoshima Corner

Thursday, September 29, 2005


This week is going by pretty much business as usual, little work little play. some highlights im remembering- I made a little girl cry at my english conversation class (eikaiwa) for littleuns. We played a number game, she lost, and turns out to cry a lot. god i love that. and while on the subject, i was once in an elementary school class and the kids were all saying little self introductions, my name is, i like blue (i always have to restrain myself from laughing), nice to meet you. I get to one kid who freezes for a while, starts to tear up, and then my fellow teacher stands at order military style and shouts some crazy stuff at him at the top of his voice. of course the kid cried harder and will never say another word in english. anyway, i couldnt help being amused, it was so unreal. but thats def an exception to the rule. (i think?) Going to play the guitar for a performance of Mr. Big's hit "to be with you" with some middle schoolers, man im sick of that melody, but good times. About to finish Murakami's Wind up bird chronical, pretty good, but where the hell is it going... ciao for the moment..

Sunday, September 25, 2005

sports fest- elementary school

Just saw some cute elementary schoolers do their sports festival, i did tug-of-war and a sawing of logs event this time instead of gate-ball (their croquet). Had 3 great days of surfing in a row and boy do I have some chafe. (sp? that cant be right) Im getting shoulders of steel, but I lost my watch at the beach, getting up at dawn to make sure it got swept out to see like i suspect. Here are some pics from the undokai...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

sports festival

this week was pretty chill, starting to get to know the middle school kids. They had sports festivals which are bad-ass versions of field day. They practice for a weekand ahalf and then do relays, games etc, but they also do crazy traditional dances, martial arts stuff, and cool dances they put together themselves. These kids are hella good at speech-giving too, though the class speaker broke down in emotion in giving the closer, it was an intense moment. Elementary school is cool, i kinda feel like a magician coming in and showing them magic pictures. They think the house at the cape looks hella cool. At the end of one class, all the kids ran up to the front to shake my hand, it was like a rock show. Then one kid asked me to sign his baseball and the rest followed suit with their kawaii paper and pencil boxes. Eerie but cute. Had the worst hangover of my life at the end of last week because of strong shochu, dont know what happend there, but man i hate that stuff. somethings in those potatos...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

snack time

Ahh the welcome party, good food, met the folks at my office, who are the cool head hancho types around town. Took me to a snack bar and I chatted with a cute phillipino girl about fishing, after she asked me for a drink and I offered her a sip of my beer. Innocent times..

Day 1 (kinda)

Hey Everybody, welcome to my blog, it's not much, but it's comfortable and the rent's cheap. As this is my first non-face book cyber posting of any sort, im going to get down to business and figure this stuff out. Japan is cool, I just had some kickass food at Tomo-chan's- the local ALT and old man hangout bar and grill. More soon...

... alls i can say is. 25 minute drive.

Me and leah, the old ALT before me. Shes from canada and was cool. I think her name tag says ria. Ahh those crazy Japanese.