Matt's Kagoshima Corner

Thursday, September 29, 2005


This week is going by pretty much business as usual, little work little play. some highlights im remembering- I made a little girl cry at my english conversation class (eikaiwa) for littleuns. We played a number game, she lost, and turns out to cry a lot. god i love that. and while on the subject, i was once in an elementary school class and the kids were all saying little self introductions, my name is, i like blue (i always have to restrain myself from laughing), nice to meet you. I get to one kid who freezes for a while, starts to tear up, and then my fellow teacher stands at order military style and shouts some crazy stuff at him at the top of his voice. of course the kid cried harder and will never say another word in english. anyway, i couldnt help being amused, it was so unreal. but thats def an exception to the rule. (i think?) Going to play the guitar for a performance of Mr. Big's hit "to be with you" with some middle schoolers, man im sick of that melody, but good times. About to finish Murakami's Wind up bird chronical, pretty good, but where the hell is it going... ciao for the moment..


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Mike said...

You'd make the baby jesus cry, given half a chance, you heathen devil!


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