xtreme dodgeball
About to embark on a weeklong break, going to the middle of nowhere with other ALT's to learn japanese culture and language. Today I had some of the best rides ive ever had at the local beach. Went to Kagoshima yesterday with two ALT friends and found that oddly enough, a great place to people watch while not being stared at is sitting in front of the Family Mart in downtown area on a busy night with a brew. It was amazing, like we were invisible or uninteresting, i dont know. It was good. Found a cheap, good movie theater, suggesting again that nothing anybody tells you about this country is ever completely accurate. Oh, and Japanese dodgeball is the bombdiggity. Basic rules: One ball. Out if you get pegged, and you then run behind a line behind the opposing team. When out, if you gather or recive the ball, you get to try to peg the opposing team (which is now inbetween your line and your team- leading to a monkey in the middle dynamic that is thrilling) and then you are in again. A lot more forced moving around than American style, so no loitering in the back or youll be pegged by an out person. Man this is good stuff, I highly reccommend it.